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Workshop AI in art: A workshop with Nicolas Jeanbourquin

  • 12 Oct 2023
  • 18:00
  • 9/F, Hang Wai Commercial Building, 231-233 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai


Registration is closed

Workshop AI in art:
A workshop with Nicolas Jeanbourquin

Join the Swiss Association of Hong Kong for a workshop with the Swiss artist Nicolas Jeanbourquin. Nicolas' creative practice is driven by his fascination with the application of generative technology. A recent resounding success was his collaboration with artist Lea Dubois on the Credit Suisse - commissioned video show, Switzerlove. The show's highly provocative kaleidoscopic movie experience, which showcased flesh and Swiss cliches using generative image calculation and algorithms, was well-received and highlighted Nicolas' mastery of generative technology.

Accompanying his solo exhibition at Art Creators Hub Nicolas invites the members of the Swiss Association of Hong Kong to join him on a talk about generative art, focusing on the following questions/topics:

  • Generative? What? Platforms and what to expect, prompts generation and more.
  • Implication of AI in graphics and art advertising, and perception of the tools today.
  • Finally give an insight into transformation and tools.

There are limited spaces available. Make sure to register as soon as possible.


6PM – 8PM | Talk and discussion
Participants will have the opportunity to listen to Nicolas explanations and engage in a conversation about the topic with him.  

8PM | Art exhibition & reception
Visit the exhibition at Art Curators Hub while enjoying a reception offered by the Swiss Consulate of Hong Kong.

Event Details

Thursday, 12 October 2023

Meeting Time:

9/F, Hang Wai Commercial Building,
231-233 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai


Through the SAHK website | Deadline - 10.10.2023

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