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Guided Educational Tour of the Legislative Council Complex (Members only) - rescheduled
24 Nov 2018
14:40 - 16:00
LegCo Complex at Tamar (details upon registration confirmation)
Guided Educational Tour of the LegCo Complex
(Members only)
New dates!
Saturday, 24 November 2018 -
2:40 pm LegCo Complex at Tamar
(details upon registration confirmation)
Tour will finish around 4 pm.
FREE, for members only
By 18 November 2018
Please read and agree to be below LegCo participation rules before register.
Email to
with full name as per HKID Card or Passport
LegCO Rules for Participation to Guided Educational Tour
In order to ensure a pleasant touring experience,
all participants of guided educational tours are required to observe the following rules
Participants should wear the tour badges prominently during their stay in the LegCo Complex.
Participants should take good care of the audio receivers during the tour and return them after the tour.
No eating or drinking is allowed during the tour.
Participants should not damage the exhibits in the LegCo Complex. Any damage to the exhibits should be reported immediately to the staff conducting the tour. Participants may be held responsible for any damage made.
Participants should not use flash for photography. Prior approval should be sought from the LegCo Secretariat for filming or recording during the tour.
Mobile phones, pagers and other beeping/ringing devices should be turned to silent mode during the tour.
Loudspeakers should not be used inside the LegCo Complex.
Large bags, umbrellas, raincoats and any items not needed for the tour should be kept in the lockers provided at the Main Lobby or in such other places as required by the staff conducting the tour.
Participants are responsible for their personal belongings during the tour. The LegCo Secretariat does not take any responsibility for loss of personal belongings.
Participants should stay with the group and not wander around.
Leaders of group visitors should maintain the order of their group.
Late comers will be arranged to join the next available tour.
A visit may be made to the Souvenir Shop and/or the Cafeteria after the tour. To avoid overcrowding in the Main Lobby, the time that visitors can stay behind in the Main Lobby is printed on their tour badges.
Warnings will be given to participants contravening these Rules or causing nuisances or appearing likely to behave in a disorderly manner during the tour.
Participants ignoring the warnings and refusing to obey any directions given to him/her by the staff conducting the tour are required to leave the tour.
The above Rules are subject to review and may be changed as and when required.
About the tour
The English speaking guided tour organized by LegCo covers conference facilities and education facilities in the LegCo Complex as follows:
Public Gallery of the Chamber (when Council meeting is not held in the Chamber)
Viewing Gallery and Access Corridor
Education Activities Room
Observation area of Conference Rooms 2 and 3
Memory Lane
Education Galleries
Tour route may be adjusted according to the meetings and activities held in the Complex.
Registration confirmation will be emailed to you.
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