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Sedan Chair Charities Race 2017

  • 29 Oct 2017
  • 10:00
  • The Matilda International Hospital on Mount Kellett Road

Sedan Chair Charities Race 2017

On Sunday October 29th at 10AM, the Swiss Association team will once again take part in the 43rd Sedan Chair Race at The Matilda International Hospital on Mount Kellett Road.

The Swiss Association has a long tradition and has done very well in terms of awards. For the 2016 edition, the team won:

  • Runner Up for "Most Entertaining Team"
  • Winner for "Best Dressed Team"
  • Winner for "Team Best Capturing the Spirit of the Event".

During the last few years it has become a struggle for the team to collect money for charities. In the earlier years we could always count on the strong support of corporate Switzerland in Hong Kong. Now we receive more donations from individuals. We hope that Swiss companies again will open their purses generously and together with individuals will support not only the team but foremost the many less privileged people in our midst in Hong Kong.

For the team, success on the course is always rewarding but we are even happier if we can show Hong Kong that we are also a caring community.

Cheques are payable to “Sedan Chair Charities Fund

On the back of the cheque please mark “Team Swiss Association”
Kindly also complete the donation form. This will help us in getting receipts from the organizer for donations of HKD 100.00 up. Receipts will be forwarded to the various donors.

Donation form and cheques to be sent to:
Stephane Eros, UVW Ltd., 9/F Henan Building, 90 Jaffe Road, Wanchai, HK

This year, we would like to extend an invitation to the Swiss Association members to join the team. We are looking for 7-8 people interested in participating in the race on the 29th of October as well as willing to help with the decoration/ setup of the chair. Please contact me by email should you wish to join at:

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